The weather is starting to get warmer and summer is just around the corner. Let’s show support for the Guardian Angel Winners for April 2024!
All of our Guardian Angels this month will receive a FREE Concealable Multi-threat Vest Level IIIA/HG2. This vest protects against all the most common handguns, shotguns, strikes and slashes, while still being comfortable and easy to wear.
Please help us congratulate John, Kelly, and Kharis!

JOHN POWELL | First Responder Fire/EMS
As a first responder, I understand that anything that can happen, will happen. I personally believe that it is my duty as a man of God and a first responder to protect life at all costs on and off duty. I believe that owning body armor will better allow me to serve the community I have sworn to protect. The first priority of a first responder is to protect themselves so that they can save the victims and not become a victim themselves. While I am primarily a first responder, in my spare time I also run a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves several school districts. The #1 priority with Operation: Stockshow is to keep the participants safe. Body armor would allow me as an executive director to effectively protect the participants should a threat arise.
I believe that I would be a very good recipient because I believe that all life is valuable and it should be protected at all costs. I am always looking for the best equipment available to protect and preserve life. By having this equipment I will be able to complete my personal emergency response kit. I feel that body armor is a priority to have in a kit for someone with adequate training. I believe that I would be a good recipient as I am frequently between the urban and rural settings. I believe that it would be more likely to need body armor in the urban setting, however if a situation should arise in the rural setting I would almost certainly respond as the number of resources are significantly decreased where I am located.
I strongly believe in the saying “It is better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.” It is very important to me to have protective equipment available so that when something does happen, I am prepared to respond adequately. It is sad to see how cruel and evil the world is, but I can rest easier knowing I have adequate protection available. With the number of active shooter events increasing rapidly every year, and unfortunately the likelihood of having to respond to a similar event also increases.
As mentioned above I am the founder/executive director of Operation: Stockshow. Operation Stockshow is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves the special needs community in several different school districts. Operation Stockshow’s goal is to provide opportunities for youth with special needs that they would not typically have. Realizing that the target demographic has developmental and/or physical limitations, they are often not able to protect themselves as a neuro-typical student would. Therefore they are at greater risk should a threat arise and it is my responsibility to protect them from harm.

KELLY REEVES | Womens Firearms and CCW Instructor
As the founder of a women’s self-defense company and a California DOJ-Certified Firearms Instructor, an NRA-Certified Firearms Instructor and Range Safety Officer, a USCCA-Certified Home Defense and Concealed Carry Instructor, and a CCW provider for the San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office, I understand the importance of safety and having good, quality gear.
With Safe Life Body Armor, I will be able to teach women how to confidently and safely handle a firearm for self-defense. Owning quality body armor also means I can help brand-new shooters with a reduced risk of injury, thus allowing me to provide them with the best and safest educational experience possible.
The added protection of body armor enhances my ability to serve, teach, and support women in taking full responsibility for their personal safety. By minimizing the personal risks associated with both private and group firearms instruction and CCW classes, I am better equipped to focus on training others and contributing to positive outcomes in the event of an assault or self-defense situation. In addition, many of my students turn to me for gear recommendations. I want to ensure I am recommending the best possible body armor for their safety and protection.
I’ve been borrowing old body armor from fellow instructors, who are all males, and their gear doesn’t always fit well. It would be great to have my own that fits me properly when providing a service that puts me directly in harm’s way, regardless of whether it is intentional or not. Most people I teach are new to firearms, which increases the likelihood of a firearms-related injury. Body armor can help me confidently mitigate those risks and best serve my community and students. In addition, I am committed to safety and teach it every day. I practice what I preach, and having good, safe body armor would be a testament and reflection of that.
Owning body armor means I can feel safe and confident. There’s nothing like the peace of mind that comes with feeling safe on a gun range when teaching women who are new to firearms or in a group firearms class situation. However, even with the most experienced shooters, accidents can happen. Also, as an RSO, I am dedicated to the safety of those using the range. Owning body armor means I can better ensure their safety, enabling me to fulfill my duties effectively and confidently while reducing the inherent risks associated with my work.
Providing me with body armor means you would not only be investing in my personal safety, but also the safety of the women I teach, the shooters at the range, and helping me to empower the communities I serve. Owning body armor is vitally important not only to me but also to my family and loved ones. My mom is a retired Atlanta Police Officer. I know how it is to worry about a loved one with a career dedicated to public and personal safety and protection, which puts them in harm’s way every day. My parents always worry when I teach a class. Owning body armor will not only help me better serve the women I teach and the communities I serve, but it will give my family and loved ones additional peace of mind, too.

KHARIS SHAY | Paramedic
Being able to protect myself while administering live saving medication and treatment would be astronomical in my field of work. I work in rural Pennsylvania where a lot of my service area is policed by the PA state police with extended response times therefore that extra level of security would allow me to work more efficiently and safely. My area has seen a rise in gun related crime where I am put on stand-by just outside of hot zones where priority 1 incidents are taking place. Body armor for me would allow me to be more involved with incidents where police need emergency medicine close by.
Being selected would mean I can work more calmly to give the highest quality patient care while out in the field. I am a hard working young female working in a field where police assistance is not readily available for me. My service doesn’t offer any form of body armor and simply doesn’t have the funds to outfit personnel with it.
Owning body armor means that I will have a better chance of coming home safe and be able to continue to save lives with a little more security while in the field. It means that if something were to happen to me and if I have a vest on it will allow me to help the next person that needs emergency medicine. It means when I go from a shooting to a 2 year old seizing I can be there to help that child and their family in a time of hopelessness and fear.
EMS is a profession that is losing more and more providers everyday. My passion for wanting to help others in a time of need is extremely high as I’ve been in EMS for close to 7 years now. In my area it is not a high paying job with little to no financial benefits. My service is a 24 hour 7 days a week agency that covers 3 counties that are all rural, therefore you never know what kind of calls you are going to get thrown at you every day.