Ever wondered why we call these the “Dog Days of Summer”? Long ago, people thought the star Sirius, or “dog star,” made the days hotter from July 3rd to August 11th.
To cool things down, we’re excited to announce our Guardian Angel Winners this month! Congrats to Masashi, Ricardo, and Makylah, who each won a FREE Concealable HG2 Multi-Threat Vest Level IIIA/HG2, offering protection against handguns, shotguns, strikes, slashes, and stabs all while ensuring comfort and ease of wear.
Join us in celebrating July’s Guardian Angel Winners – they truly deserve our applause!

MASASHI OTIS | Self Employed
I grew up in the San Francisco East Bay, in a small unincorporated town called El Sobrante. I grew up around gangs, drugs, crime and poverty. My dad used to tell me “The only people that get shot, are the people carrying guns.” I believed him; in that time. We don’t live in that time. Before I decided to arm myself and conceal carry, I had a very deep and disturbing realization. If I was with my family at the fair or even at a grocery store and something horrible were to happen, I had only two options. Run and hide, or stand in front of my family. I don’t live in the world my dad raised me in. I’m facing the world that I’m raising my children in.
I made a choice to arm myself, train and to be prepared for the threats that are soo prevalent in our current time. With 2 young children and 2 grandchildren to keep safe, running is not always going to be an effective option. I have come to terms with the fact that I may have to stand a face danger and put myself in between my loved ones and others.
I purchased my home in 2021 and my wife and I have both worked 2 part time jobs since covid shut down schools. It has been a blessing and a struggle not using childcare since as our availability is limited. I currently work farmers markets in churches, parks and spend a lot in time in large gatherings.
To me body armor means me that I can stand my ground, think clearly and push aside fear and put my focus where it’s needed in dangerous situations.

RICARDO ARIAS | USAF Security Forces Trainer/Combat Arms Instructor
The line of work I do is uncompromisingly one of the best and worst things I’ve ever done in my life. Not only do I provide security for multiple base installations through our great nation, but it comes at a price where I have to put myself in dangerous environments, ready to respond to any and all challenges this world has to offer. Additionally, I spend every other day as a combat arms instructor teaching those who serve and don’t serve, (experienced and novice), how to properly, safely and efficiently place rounds down range- should they ever be placed in that uncomfortable and unforgiving situation. Too often I am exposed to the elements of reality and adversity, where I could potentially be killed or injured in the action of my duties. But I love my work and will retire in inspiring, protecting, and teaching future generations.
I don’t feel rightfully deserving. My job comes with a price. I respectfully and knowingly signed up to protect, teach and serve all of those who’ve come before and after me. I don’t need a handout. However, I saw an ad from this company I respect and enjoy and just figured I’d give it a shot. I will continue to recommend and support Safe Life Defense regardless of whether or not I receive some personal protection equipment.
It means preparation because it showcases you are ready for the worst case scenario, regardless of the outcome. It means sacrifice because you never know what tomorrow it may but someone has to do the job. It means hope because although the margin for error is fleeting, there is always that 1%-99% you will make it home and something is better than nothing. It means courage, because it’s about doing what you’re scared to do anyway. It means dedication because someone out there is inspired by what you put on the line and you never know what future generation will instill the same principles you have to offer.
I’m a big fan of Safe Life Defense. I’ve got a kid on the way so this company is on the forefront of all things I do for my family and friends to have the protection they need.

MAKYLAH ANCHETA | Fire Investigator/Canine Handler
My main scope of work is to provide the best customer service to my community while supporting the Honolulu Fire Department’s mission. Hawaii is a very special place, culturally diverse, and family-oriented with strong values and traditions. By using this safety equipment, I will continue to provide the best service to the community and also prioritize the “safety first” approach in my fire scene examinations while wearing the best and appropriate personal protective equipment for the task at hand.
Currently, my canine and I are the only certified Accelerant Detection Canine Team serving the entire State of Hawaii. That means I must be available to not only to support my department and the island (Oahu) that it serves, but I must also be available to support requests from other counties that make up the rest of the Hawaiian island chain.
My canine (Eve) was recently selected to receive a K9 armor vest from Vested Interests in K9s, a non-profit organization that donates to LE and Fire Departments. As of now, my department does not have the budget to acquire body armor for myself so that means I’m not protected. As a canine team, the handler and canine should be protected with body armor due to the nature of the job and the increasing criminal activities in Hawaii. The added protection will keep us safer and allow us to go home to our family and loved ones.
It means that I’m taking the most responsible measures to protect myself from any unknown or unforeseen conditions or situations. In my line of work, you can’t predict what a typical day will be like. You don’t know if you will see the end of your shift and having that extra safety feature with body armor gives a person added protection and a sense of safety and security. Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to review my application.